dimanche 1 novembre 2009

Agassi's crystal meth trip : from a year to a decade?

Agassi's confession that he took crystal meth at a time his career hit rock bottom raised many questions in the media recently.

Even though the timeline of his confessed drug-taking spans one year only (1997), some newspapers extended it to "many years", thus casting doubt on Agassi's legitimate results during his career as a tennis player. Some worded in such a fashion as to make believe it was a regular habit throughout his career.

This is the case of French national newspaper "Le Figaro" (see below) headlining : "Agassi admits to drug-use during his career".

Why no sticking to the fact  ? 1997 is one.

French article taken from Le Figarohttp://www.lefigaro.fr/tennis/2009/10/28/02004-20091028ARTFIG00242-andre-agassi-admet-s-etre-drogue-durant-sa-carriere-.php

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